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Universal Orlando Restaurant Review


A Little Witchy Fun

Butter Beer

The butter beer comes three different ways, depending on the time of year. You can get it:

  • Cold: All year
  • Frozen: All Year
  • Hot: Winter only

We all opted to get a frozen butter beer from Dragon Alley. Slushies are not my favorite thing but the addition of the cream on top made it a winner for me. All five of us agreed that it was a velvety smooth, rich flavored drink perfect for the hot day.

Mom and I are also in agreement that it was better than the butter beer at Harry Potter World in NYC.

Cauldron Cakes

I didn’t end up getting one of these but they’ve been on my mind ever since I saw them. They are chocolate cake inside with vanilla icing piped like flames. The cauldron it is cooked in can be used to bake in again and it even comes with a recipe!

I’m adding a hot butter beer and a cauldron cake to my bucket list.

Pat O’Brien’s

While we waited for dinner, hubs and I walked off on our own and he bought me a hurricane from Pat O’Brien’s. Since New Orleans is such a special place to us, this was a treat.

The bartender had great hospitality and the drink tasted good without being too alcoholic.

A female drinking from a Pat O'Brien's cup


I debated, debated, and debated on where to go to eat the night we were at Universal. I finally landed on BigFire. Their Dutch Oven Beef Burgundy was what won me over- and it did not disappoint. Savory, over a bed of egg noodles, it really hit the spot after having such a rough day (a story for another post, perhaps).

Our server was super accommodating for our needs and attentive as well. While our food was.good, I do wish we would have shared some of it and purchased their table side s’mores for dinner. This is something they are known for and we all thought it was cool, Brandon and I even taking pictures of it.

The restaurant is two stories and we got put upstairs. It was nicely decorated and I especially liked the fireplace that was near our table.

Wrapping It Up

There are plenty of places to eat at Universal Studios and this list is far from extensive but hopefully it will help steer you in the right direction.

If you’ve ever been to Universal, what was your favorite restaurant?

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