Creating a Bucket List in a Tragedy

One of the first things I did after Brandon’s passing was to create two lists. The first one included things that I didn’t want to forget—like how he would make squeaky noises with his mouth, to which I would press my lips back. The other list I made was a bucket list. I have it in random order on my list, but I’ll categorize it better here. I hope you enjoy it.

General Life Goals

  • Get my motorcycle license so I can ride our Harley
  • Start counseling
  • Eat Ben & Jerry’s straight from the container the night everyone leaves
  • Learn to fly the drone. Completed 04/03/2024
  • Get a tattoo with Brandon’s writing on it Halfway Point: 04/02/2024
  • Learn to fly the DJI drone Completed 04/02/2024
  • Get caught up in school Completed 04/21/2024
  • Get a good job Completed 7/1/24: Creating my own good job! <3
  • Write on this blog/ update vlog consistently. Completed 09/11/2024
  • Get my FAA license (this helps me be able to fly a drone commercially)
  • rock through with straight As until I graduate
  • Pay of all debt by May 2030
  • Write a book (that is an extension of this blog)
  • Play a game of Monopoly (because in the ENTIRE 20 years I was married to him he only ever lost once… well, guess who’s not winning this game. Muahahahaha).
  • Watch a movie in B’s honor every February 11th (Grand Turismo is the last movie we ever watched… but he loved watching movies so I’m open to other ones)
  • Added 9/14/24: Get a miniature Labradoodle (I decided I wanted one in July… but want to be ready for it)

Home Goals

  • Move into the Blum house Completed 04/27.2024
  • Start a garden with flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Completed 03/22/2024
  • Get a Fisher & Paykel dishwasher <3 Completed 03/25/2024
  • Get more chickens Completed 05/14/2024
  • Buy nice furniture Completed 05/09/2024
  • Get rid of the wood pile
  • Get rid of the trash pile
  • Get rid of the trash in the back of the truck
  • Sell the Hillsboro house (Real estate agent: Kathy Lajara)

Travel Goals

  • Stay at the Lorenzo Hotel in Dallas Completed 04/03/2024
  • Visit Hot Springs National Park Completed 05/19/2024
  • Go to Boston with my co-horts Done 04/19/2024
  • Visit NYC with my mom Done 04/21/2024
  • Go back to Two Guns, AZ. Completed June 2024
  • Land of Oz in North Carolina
  • Take the girls to the Peabody to see the ducks
  • Go to the Gangster Museum
  • Go back to Big Bend on a clear, dark night
  • Revisit Surf Market Gualalala (can I live there?)
  • Visit Havasupai
  • Get my passport
  • Visit Puerto Rico (this was one of his biggest dreams, and towards the end, I saw why he wanted to go)
  • Go to Costa Rica- make it the first place out of the USA I visit.
  • Stay in a treehouse in the Texas Hill Country
  • Stay at Big Sky’s Retro Resort
  • Check out things in my town like:
    • The roadside museum
    • The dinosaur museum
  • Finish the stickers on the van
  • Vegas for Vaeh’s 21st birthday Coming July 2026
  • Disney cruise for Bre’s graduation Coming May-ish 2025
  • Go to the Pioneer Woman’s coffee shop
  • Go to the non-alcoholic bar (Wild Child) in Shawnee, Oklahoma
  • Go to Dry Tortugas National Park

Honestly, the National Parks should have their own section- Hahahaha

Food/Health Goals

  • Go to a hot yoga class. Completed 3/20/24
  • Buy an inflatable standup paddleboard Completed July 2024
  • Go to the Farmers’ Market regularly. Still going regularly as of September 2024
  • Lose weight (specific goal for now: 25 lbs)
  • Make tamyaki
  • Go to Bonton Farms
  • Host a dinner party once a month
  • Become a flexitarian
  • Take a pole dancing class
  • Learn yoga
  • Become certified to teach something

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