The Word Beautiful

Recently, in a suicide widow survivor group, we were asked what our one word was after our spouse’s passing. I had to stop and think about my one word. What did I want my life to signify? What did I want our life together to signify? Beautiful.

What I had/have with him is beautiful. What I want for my future is the same. Let me explain a bit further:

I want to be beautiful.

Inside and out. As I’m typing this, I’ve had my first-ever weigh-in on Wednesday. Posted to Instagram and, accidentally, Facebook. And I’ll repeat what I said on there: it’s not about the scale but about the feeling when I know I’m eating well and doing what’s right for my body.

When I do that, the weight naturally comes off; I feel more confident either way.

Being beautiful on the inside comes from finding my place with God: Spending time in his word, talking to him regularly (I won’t say daily because that doesn’t even seem enough), and being good to others. Knowing what makes my heart sing and finding that balance.

I want my home to be beautiful.

I want my house to be a place where my friends and family come when they need some downtime. It should be warm and inviting, where they know they can rest well and enjoy time with their loved ones.

Clean and cute houses are part of it, but having good, healthy food and someone to talk to is equally important.

A place to hang out and cool off in the hot Texas summers is high on my priority list. More on that one day. 🙂

I want my life to be beautiful.

I want a life where I don’t have to worry about finances. One where I can take off and go on a trip without anyone or anything telling me no. Likewise, if I want to spend months at home, I want that to be an option, too.

I want to look around and not feel stressed about my current situation; in many ways, I’m doing that. This life isn’t easy, but I look around and remind myself to take one step before the other. It doesn’t have to be finished today. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Looking at This

I guess I’m really saying that beauty to me means happiness and contentment—with who I am and where I am going. I want this for myself, the people I love, and you, my friend. We’re all in this together.

So- what’s your word?

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